Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Two Buck Chuck (continued)

I'm not done with Two Buck Chuck yet. I'm savoring the bottle of cabernet sauvignon that I brought back from California and had a glass last night while I fixed dinner. It's a challenge trying to please the palates of two teenagers and one husband (the basset hound will eat anything), so a glass of wine soothes the less-than-serene part of me that surfaces after I receive the varying reactions to my response to the daily question "what's for dinner?"

Last night I browned the pieces of a cut-up chicken in olive oil with a handful of chopped shallots and garlic, sprinkled everything with Cavender's All Purpose Greek Seasoning, and laid the chicken in a baking dish. I deglazed the pan with some white wine from my husband's jug of Cavit Pinot Grigio (a nice, respectable, crisp white wine, by the way, if you’re into white), poured that over the chicken, dumped a can of fire roasted tomatoes and a can of Great Northern Beans over everything and baked it at 425 for 45 minutes. I served it with spinach cheese tortellini.

I thought it tasted pretty damned good for an after-work, gotta-get-it-on-the-table-before-Jackson's-taekwondo-class meal. Husband: "tastes like chicken." Son: "it's okay." Daughter: "will you make me some pasta instead?" Basset: "gimme gimme gimme gimme."

Thank you, Chuck! By the way, if you want to read the story behind Two Buck Chuck, check out the Wikipedia page:


  1. This is a really cool idea. I hope that you do a post about that champagne that you discovered that I told you I liked. I've already forgotten what it was called, and I need to get a few bottles of that into my fridge.

  2. Barefoot Bubbly, and I will indeed! You and Sheila liked the Moscato. I prefer the Extra Dry -- they have several varieties.
