Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ham and A Bunch of Other Stuff

Yesterday I bought the food. Today I cooked and cleaned and got ready for the week of home-cooked, reasonably priced meals. Oh, okay, so I took off long enough to go see "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World," which was an AWESOME movie. I highly recommend it. I think of it as the gamer's version of a musical. You'll understand that cryptic comment after you see the movie.

This morning I started the cooking marathon by mixing up a batch of creme fraiche (1 pint of heavy whipping cream mixed with 2 Tablespoons of buttermilk, covered and left in a warm place for 12 hours) and leaving it on the windowsill. There's no lack of warm places during August in Texas.

For dinner I made the ham that I bought yesterday. I soaked it overnight in a pot of cold water, which makes the ham less salty. A couple of hours before dinner, I put it on to boil with a mixture of white wine, two bay leaves, a small onion with three cloves stuck in it, and water to cover. The ham simmered for about an hour and a half until the bone looked a little separated from the meat, and then I put the ham in a pan with about 1/4 inch of the cooking liquid in it. I mixed a glaze of 3 Tablespoons brown sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg, and 2-3 tablespoons honey and applied it to the ham. (Meanwhile, I had little red potatoes roasting in the oven, and baked beans heating up on the stove.) The ham went into a 375 degree oven with the glaze on it for about 20 minutes until everything melted, got crispy and smelled delicious. Dinner was served.

While the ham was boiling, I also made vichyssoise, cleaned and individually froze the package of chicken breasts that I bought yesterday, and cooked and froze the package of Italian sausage. This type of prep doesn't take a lot out of me on the weekends when I spend the afternoon in the kitchen anyway, but it's invaluable to have it done before the week begins. Besides, I was rocking a glass of Cruzan rum and orange juice and watching "Big Trouble" on TV, so the time passed pleasantly with only a few brain glitches ("what did I come into the pantry for again?").

Leftover ham will go for sandwiches and, hopefully, a quiche aided by the creme fraiche and chopped leeks that I saved back from the vichyssoise. Yesterday I made a pot of rice, which will turn into chicken fried rice tomorrow night or Tuesday.

I'm still trying to decide what to do with the whole chicken. I might roast it English style, with mashed potatoes and peas, or make Puerto Rican arroz con pollo. Decisions, decisions!

I'll let you know!


  1. The ham was wonderful as always, although I wish we had kept the bottle of rose for it. Oh well.

    Thumbs up!

