Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I've been trying for two days to write about the hash I made the other night, and I couldn't come up with anything interesting or witty to say. Of course, I finally realized it's because there really isn't anything brilliant about hash -- it's a very plebian, slightly dull, comfort food (at least the way I make it). But I love it, and isn't it that stolidly boring predictability what makes it a comfort food?

What's yours?

We all have them. In fact, there's a show on The Food Network called "The Best Thing I Ever Ate" and some of the favorite foods of the chefs will make you raise an eyebrow and think "yeah, right, to each his own." We should never judge, just enjoy the wonderful diversity of tastes, customs, habit and cultures that make up our earth.

You know, I hope there is life on other planets, because I'd love to know what THEY eat.

Oh, and Smoking Loon Merlot, at under $10 a bottle, goes great with hash made from leftover chuck roast. (I put a little IN the hash too, just for shits and giggles.)

My hash recipe (courtesy of my mother, really): chop up potatoes, onion, garlic, and leftover roast. Sauté everything but the roast in some olive oil, then add leftover gravy and enough water to liquefy so the potatoes will cook. Add salt, pepper and Herbes de Provence (or whatever herbs you like) to taste. When the potatoes are cooked, add the roast and heat through. Thicken gravy if needed.

You can throw the wine in whenever you like during the process, or just stand there and drink it. I'm not convinced it adds anything to the hash, but it makes me feel vaguely gourmet about the whole process, e.g., "I'm not just standing here drinking, I'm COOKING."

Top lavishly with ketchup (the hash, not the wine) and enjoy!

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