I love making people smile. As I was pulling into the train station today, I drove past a woman wearing a t-shirt that said "Best Mom Ever." I rolled down my window and said, "I'll bet you are, too!" (pointing at her shirt). After a nanosecond of surprise, she smiled - a happy, wide smile - and laughed as she thanked me. It was a little gesture, but it spread joy.
I'm no Pollyanna or Glinda The Good Witch (as a coworker once dubbed me). In fact, I've spent most of this week in a snarly mood due to the realities of the work week. "I'm too old for this shit" was my mantra, BUT it's FRIDAY, I worked another week to keep the roof over my head and food on the table (and in the basset hound's dish - priorities, people), and my current situation does not define my entire life.
Mohammed Ali once said: "Impossible is not a fact. It's an option." So this morning, on the train, I dusted off my blog and wrote. I have a lot to say, but putting it down is sometimes difficult due to childhood issues about not revealing my true self for fear of censure.
At age 63, I continue to challenge myself, perhaps with a little more urgency than I used to. This isn't a trial, this is MY LIFE. Who do I want to be today? What do I want to accomplish?
Oh, FYI regarding my last blog: no thyroid problems, just a virus that settled in my thyroid. It went away and I'm fine. The diet was revealing, though, so I am paying even more attention to what I eat and how I prepare it.
Now, here's your challenge for today or tomorrow (lookin' at you, procrastinators!): do or say one thing to make someone smile! Double points if you smile too!